1928                    Born, Novosibirsk, Russia (Ukrainian parents)

1953-1958          Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture; "Society of Artists"

1958-1971          Mural and Restoration Company, Ukraine

1972-1978          Instructor, State Art School,
                              Rivne, Ukraine

Kolosov traveled the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe painting landscapes and nature, portraits and still lifes. The artist also exhibited scupltures. Having lived in the Crimea and in the mountainous Caucuses regions of Armenia and Georgia, Kolosov was well-known for his alpine scapes and etudes. The painter primarily worked in oil medium. From 1963-1967 Kolosov painted and was connected as a member of the Union of Artists Art Fund.

Kolosov spent time every year in the Crimea and landscapes of this famous peninsula highlight his exhibits. These themes are repeatedly chosen for public and private collections in Europe.

1981-1983        Honored Artist of the U.S.S.R.

1980's               Featured painter in several Soviet journals and catalogs.

               One-man exhibits: Moscow (1981), Rivne (1987, 1989, 1997),

               Exhibitions abroad: Germany (1987, 1996), Poland, 1997, 2002, United States (1994, 1997, 2002-04)

Member of Union of Artists, Ukraine, 1975-2004.

Valentin Kolosov passed away in December, 2004. The artist is survived by his wife in Rovno.